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Unthinkable 2010 DVDSCR XviD-Rx
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Unthinkable 2010 DVDSCR XviD torrent free download torrent download
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May 23, 2010




Basic Information
Container.......: AVI
Size............: 714 MB
Duration........: 1hr 37mn
Overall.Bitrate.: 1028 Kbps
Framerate.......: 23.976 Fps
Subs.Included...: N/A
Sample.Included.: YES
Burn.Tested.....: YES
Release.Date....: 05/23/2010 
Video Information
Video.Format....: XviD
Video.Bitrate...: 891 Kbps
Dimensions......: 592x320
Aspect.Ratio....: 1.850

Audio Information
Audio.Format....: MP3
Audio.Bitrate...: 128 Kbps
Channels........: 2
Language........: English

Movie Information
Release.Year....: 2010
Genre...........: Drama | Thriller

Release Notes
Source: Unthinkable-2010-DVDSCR

Did some adjustments to the colors,sharpened,etc. Property of blah,blah,blah
every so often. Enjoy=] 


Unthinkable 2010 DVDSCR XviD-Rx Torrent Free Download

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Sample looks great ! thx for this release !
hi holohoax go fuck yourself motherfucker
thanks !
hohohoax you SUCKS
okay am not a jew but Piid how abort fuck your fat whore mother you dumb nazi faget
how do you actually just download sample to check first, always wondered how to do it?
You need a bit torrent client that will allow you to download parts of a torrent as well as the whole torrent. I use BitTorrent 6.4. When I open a torrent in it, a window pops up that shows all the different files in a torrent with a check mark next to the part. There are two button in the window: select all, and select none. I click the select none button and the check marks disappear. Then I check the sample and click OK. You are then only downloading the sample. If you like the quality you can open your torrent client and the open the torrent. Click the select all button, then the OK button. You are now downloading the entire torrent. Other torrent clients operate the same way.
What an appalling film , i guess now the terrorist bogeymen can be your white neighbor , all you dumbed down American idiots better give your writes up for protection.

They just couldn't stop themselves getting that little bit of anti-Iranian propaganda in their to.

Absolutely revolting.
anyone subs?
Thanks for the up extremezone. I'm glad that you've got your skull back.

I remember why you lost it (due to mislabeling R5's as dvdrips and such, which imho did annoy me too) but now that you've learned not to do that anymore and give credit to the rippers, my respect has grown for you and I hope that you keep doing your thing on TPB.

Don't let those trolls get to you, just ignore them. Take pleasure in the ppl that thank you, which they should.

A sincere thank you from me.
Sweet movie dude =) will seed
quality seems really good judging from screens, this release could even have been in a higher resolution ?

And just so Im not left out:
Jews, muslims, christians, buddhists, sikhs, hindus, mormons, devil-worshippers, neo-nazis, blacks, whites, indians, chinese, baldies, the wongs, the wanderers, witches and wizards I hate you all etc etc blah blah, ad infinitum...
@holohaux stfu its a film

thanx extremezone this was a great upload v and a both a 10 and the movie is really good thanx again

Its not entertainment its pure propaganda , like 90 percent of the films out there.

Most people are blind and cant see it , and just sit their sucking on their thumb like good little brainwashed citizens.
How is it propaganda?
Did you watch the movie to the end? The torture ultimately did not work. The entire film is about whether a lesser evil is justified to rectify a greater one, or is the boundaries absolute. Both the actions of the terrorist and of the torturer play on this dilemma.

And the movie presents it as such, a dilemma, and if you see it as saying there is one right way, you are watching through you rectum.
all i ever hear is bla bla bla American's suck, their pussys bla blaa. I think just most of whom say that are just jealous they dont live here and get to be nice and fat and happy :), oh and secure too. God bless the USA
Thanks for the up extremezone, looks great!

Its setting the bench mark that even white people are extremists , and about half way through the movie the *domestic terrorist* was linked to sources in Iran (demonization) , dont you get it ? , anyone can be a terrorist now , and be stripped stripped of their rights , not just the brown people with funny hats , the anti terror laws are their for anyone who stands up to whats coming in the west , full blown police states , communism.

Your President can order the ASSASSINATION of any citizen who they suspect to be a terrorist , no trial , no rights nothing.

Do you know what that makes him ?

A dictator


you conspiracy guys need to get a life and stop thinking you see things that aren't there. If you wanna be completely crazy and preach how retarded you are, why not just become religious?
Novauk, Huh? So it's a race thing? Bull. The movie probably used an american muslim to avoid stereotypes that would detract from the plot. And either way, those laws are already there, the movie does not endorse them.

You just go back to sucking your thumb , you are beyond any hope , you will stumble through your life being told what to think , what to believe by your tv.

I bet you still believe Iraq has WMD"S lmao


Its not a racial agenda na , the patriot act etc was created for ALL u.s citizens , regardless of race , religion , its their to justify sticking a jackboot in your face under the guise of fighting terror.

They use propaganda in films like this to make you think their is terrorists everywhere , even white citizens could be an extremist , just watch carefully you will see any people who try to stand up and say they dont like the direction the country is going in , white groups , black groups , in the states will slowly be demonized and labeled terrorists , and stripped of their rights.

Lol you are right, I should be told what to think be dodgy internet sites run by bald fat guys who make up for their lack of sexual intercourse by making up stories and getting suckers like you to believe them.
Paranoid delusional describes you my friend, go watch loose change and keep watching out for 'them'. Everyone is still watching you and laughing :)
There are no good guys in war...
plain and simple.
Everyone has blood on their hands...
You have to question the real motives of war...
War is about money, profit, and power...
So what is the real evil, who is the real evil...
Anyone who condones torture? Or anyone
who supports war of any kind...we are all
just pawns in a game of power plays. And religion, and politics are just an excuse...
Nobody wins in a war, everyone looses...
first thing first, thx for a great upload!

second of all,
when are this thing with the USA and their paranoia about terrorist going to blow over?!
If us citizens are so paranoid of the terrorist then fucking withdraw the soldiers from all the war, then the world would be a much more peaceful place to live... maybe the simplest of answer to why they dont is megalomania, sure its the big part of the world but that does not mean its the best country to live in...
put all that money that goes to war and put it into getting a proper healthcare system, schools and elderly ward... and to feel sorry for all the soldiers have been to war is just plain wrong, they werent forced to go there.
when did usa had no war going on? answer that for me...
why dont you pissant losers shut your friggin pie hole if you cant comment on movie quality...nobody cares about your lameass dipshhit religious opinions...opinions are like assholes...everybody has one...just yours are bigger than everybody else.
Well I'm just thankful that they grant us the time to get acclimatized to torture before they start implementing it. On white people that is. Brown people they were already torturing. Naturally, that speaks for it self.

Because I suppose I WOULD be one of those silly frogs that would jump right out of a boiling pot. Much better to cook us slowly, I think.

Ten years ago I couldn't stand ANY torture. But then they started with them middle eastern folks. And you didn't have to see it. Then they threw in Abu Graib, with pictures. Then there was white folk torture, but only on TV! Thank you Jack Bauer. Even Star Trek Enterprise did their loyal part, bless you Scott Bakula. You already depicted that evil evil Lee Harvey Oswald in that other show you did, what was it called? I forget, who cares.

And good to see also that they get them payed fake bloggers in among us commenters here, to rouse those scary conspiracy thinkers away. Shoo, go away you scary conspiritorrrrrs, shoo.

Senator Joe Lieberman wants to strip u.s citizens of all their rights if they are *suspected* of associating with any terrorist groups.

Paranoia ?, i think not , its happening right in front of your face.

Washington (CNN) ? A bipartisan group of legislators on Thursday introduced legislation in Congress to strip citizenship from any American found to be involved in terrorism.

If the Terrorist Expatriation Act passes, an American could lose citizenship if the State Department found that person had provided material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organization - as designated by the secretary of state - or participated in actions against the United States.
Why are you fags talking politics and theories like piratebay is a irrational forum? Get a fricken life and post a blog on facebook or something.
A-men, you all suck for talking about your own personal opions. I'ts a movie, its not real. get a life. quality is good except for a banner that floats on the bottom from time to time. video and audio is good, worth watching. thanks to the uploader
release date is june 17? was this leaked?
Jesus, just nuke America and the Middle East so the rest of us can simply watch a movie without being subjected to this whole conspiracy crap.
lol man you guys crack me up?
1. Movies are writers opinions, unless its a shity movie then they did it for the money.
2. Religion is Bullshit, all of it. if you want to find tranquilty become a buddist.
3. there is no good and evil, especially in war. if you think there is your an unenlighted fool so stfu.
4. who knows I wouldnt put it past bush to have cooked up the whole and acted retarded so he coud get away with it. either that or he was a puppet (probly more likely)
5. and the comment about the germans, you can also stfu too, germany has had the most brillent scientists this world has seen. WW2 was caused by WWIs turn out.
6. good quality great upload thnx Extreme :)
7. I blame spelling errors on the fact Im stoned. peace
For a movie, its about dam time hollywood showed some balls. Its doesn't get any harder than this. See for yourselves. And Stop using PB for political rhetoric and or relgious beliefs. Just download and comment if the movie is good or not. And don't forget about the quality.

As usual, excellent work extremezone for another fine piece of work.

Thanks for this.

V - 10
A - 10
V - 8/10
A - 10/10
fuck all humans that believe in debating race issues all the time.

get a life and enjoy it.
I like most other people grew up thinking films were just their to entertain me , how naive was i , once you understand what "predictive programming" is you look at tv shows and movies for what they really are - brainwashing.

It really is an eye opener , and you can see the moral social decline effects of it all around you , peoples opinions are formed mainly through what they watch , when you are watching tv you got into a alpha wave state.

Just remember films and tv were never about entertaining you , it always was to mold your perceptions of the world , and get you to see it in the way they want you to.
for fucks sake... you all a bunch of cock suckers for even goin on and on and on about it on here... join a fuckin group or sumthin.... audio great video great... cheers mate
There's no conspiracy and everything is just perfect in the world according to most who commented here. If you believe that you probably like this movie (black propaganda). Aside from that the audio=8, video=8
nuke Britain imo. they're all assholes anyways, they wont be missed.
there is no conspiracy in this film it is straight up textbook propaganda. the message is: it's ok to torture people and you're right to do so, also killing women and children is ok. only an american film could fly this kind of nazi idealism. don't get me wrong, it's a well made film. it's well acted and scripted. it's exciting. but it is the most nazi like brainwashing i have ever seen in a film. people shouting "conspiray goons" and the like are too low on intelligence to get it. they have watched too many war propaganda films to see a screaming murder and torture justification meme even when it's spitting right in their face.
oh and audio and video are excellent. true dvd quality [for 700 mb anyway]
A9 V9 keep up the good work.

@geburha, U stupid inbred spastic! saying all of britian deserve to die is like saying all you fuckin packi and niggers deserve to die, u obviously never recieved an education i mean what sort of name is geburha, i know your only 19 and your probably some stupid fuckin middle eastern tosser that has a chip on his shoulder cause ya life sucks balls!p.s. ultimate fighter is for fags and girls u pussy!lol
Thanks for the u/l!

@geburha: You're a fucking retard. I'm also pretty sure no one would miss you if you suddenly dropped dead. Go on, do the World a favour.
a/v 9/9
ty, top!
@novauk Holy shit man how can you not think its a good thing to kick a goat fucking sand nigger out of your country if he financially, materially or indirectly supports a terrorist group???. I think that the posters who are going on that the film is all propaganda need to remember that 99.9% of terrorists are the result of religious propaganda. You get some pissed off goat fucker with cash who then completely distorts the Koran to incite other pissed off goat fuckers to blow them selves up. Considering that in most of the Hajji haven countries most of the news and info they get come from their Moula's, who have their own agenda. A world where they can fuck as many goats as they want and beat their wives. If it was up to me I'd plaster the T.V, net, newspapers any media I could of people doing whatever to piss off the goat fuckers so they gather in a huge protest so we have to use less nukes!!!, @LuckyLucifer your comment re the Germans having good scientists is too funny!!, So somehow the fact that they could over engineer any thing somehow justifies all of their atrocities???


Its not about afghan goat herders , the anti terror laws are being used on everyday citizens for loads of reasons not just not terrorism.

terrorism was the excuse to justify the need for the harsh new laws , crisis creation for political advantage.

All those Arabs being paraded around at Guantanamo bay was theater , they told you oh no no look these laws are just for the Arab goat herders , then a few year later its - domestic terrorists as well ( aka anyone who they decide is a terrorist regardless of race , religion )

Its a dictatorship being set up , under the guise of protecting you from bogeymen in a cave.

I agree with you that those laws can be used in a way that would be conducive to establish a dictatorship, however other than the free world developing a WW2 mentality, (all being on the same page to combat terrorism) those laws allow a country to fight with out having its hands tied by bleeding heart liberals. If it were truly a situation where all the soldiers could come home from Afghanistan and Iraq without complications. Such as the human rights violations, the advancement of their society to the 21st century (they control a high % of the worlds oil) and with out the risk of any further terrorist attacks I'm all for it!!!. But I'm 99% sure that until either their Moula's tell them to stop or their dead we are at risk. My brother has been to Afghanistan twice with the Canadian forces and I would love to have those boys home but "All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing"
Terrorist nonsense. arabs blacks whites asians doesnt matter. they (terrorists) no matter what race or color do what they do because of religion. Religion is garbage. It has caused nothing but murder and war. God is DEAD. fuck religion. no religion no reason for extremists to want to be terrorists. fuck it all.
just kill all the fuckin muslims.. no more terrorists.. worlds population decreases.. no stupid religion thats hampers growth and free thinking.. less global warming.. less pollution.. energy crisis averted for quite sometime.. its a win win situation..
Man, you other guys need to relax, it's only a movie
Thanks for all your hard work
Yet again we see so called actor Samuel L. Jackson playing the only part he can play - a crazy shouty nigger. Sick of his untalented black ass.

A: 9
V: 9
M: 7 I love seeing America burn.

Just kill all Americans. Then likewise there'll be no wars, no terrorsists etc.

You fucking stupid American CUNT. Eat shit and die you peice of shit cocksucker.

I'm off to go and watch the nuking scenes from "The Day After", just love watching you American cunts burn.

I hope you endure another 911 and another and another only with nukes. Damn shame those 20 megaton nukes that the Ruskies had on top of thier SS20 ICMs can't "go missing" and end up going BANG! in the USA! Fuck you numbnuts.
For those of you interested - the German word for unthinkable in undenkbar.

The rest of you EAT SHIT!!!!!

Burn America! Burn! Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar!
@The United States of America

That was sarcasm you dickcheeses. Something you Yankie doodle dandies don't understand. EAT SHIT!!!!!!!
The USA military is INCOMPETENT! You kill more of your so called allies in freindly fire incidents that you do Taliban an Al Qaeda. Trigger happy gung-ho meat-head stupid cunts is what they are. All you Americans that come on TPB, a Swedish website and start banging on about "the war on terror" can all eat shit. Gimme half a chance and I'd rip your fucking noses of your faces and stick em up my your dumb asses like butt plugs! EAT SHIT!!!!!
if u live in a country u suck, if u have a religion u suck, if u have skin ur race sucks too.
the only thing that doesnt suck in this entire shitty galaxy is ME...thank you :)
Can everybody shut the fuck up! Just thank the uploader for the movie, if you dont like it go to Twitter or somewhere else to continue your silly conversation fuckers. Thanks Extremezone
After me pointing out the demonization of people who disagree with the government in films , tv shows etc , now watch this with your eyes now open.

CSI NY?s episode entitled ?Point of View? featured a character who researches ?conspiracy theories?, such the deliberate dispersal of potentially dangerous chemtrails into the atmosphere.

First the character, a professor, is labeled?odd?, then ?anti-American?, before finally he is revealed to be a ?domestic terrorist? hell bent on releasing a biological weapon in New York.
The message is clear - anyone who thinks their government is up to anything dodgy is - a crazy conspiracy nut , anti-american murdering domestic terrorist.

What utter nonsense and brainwashing lol

fúk they didnt show any explosion!! but with a nuclear bomb so close to another the nuclear fission gone take the other bomb and multiply the force.
by the way a would everybody fúk him in the ass and cut his penis half off before i workt the children. common sense :)
this movie had me really into it check it out
bunch of bull they would cut his kids dicks off and feed it to him. generals, soldiers and cov-ops aren't a bunch of cry baby pussies "oh no not the kids" yeah right give me a break.

though they wouldnt have to cos everyone talks in the end.


so how many times a day you visit the mosque again?
@jjclint & sinjanju

Shut you ignorant uneducated American faces the fuck up you stupid pair of cunts. I'd do this...blah blah... I'd cut his kid's penis off....blah bal blah.

STFU you wouldn't do anything you stupid cunts. YOU KNOW NOTHING you asswipes. You wouldn't have the opportunity. The USA does not engage in torture, this would never be authorized because it is ILLEGAL you dumbass shit cunts.

This film is a bag of innacurate shit for dumbass neo-cns who watch only Fox news and 24 and think it's real.

You pair of American CUNTS! I hope you both get a cancer diagnosis real soon and die screaming in agony in a pool of your own blood, piss and shit. FUCK YOU!
Great Job , nice movie till now beter as ( Iron man 2 and Robin Hood . Reality almost
Great up and Movie.
Audio 10
Video 10
Movie 8
Thanks extremezone, as always with your uploads 10 out of 10
This movie shows how Islamic fundamentalists are using our western liberalism against us. I don't like torture, but I certainly don't like nuclear bombs going off either.
@junkman cmon man do you honestly think u have a hope!!!! You have no idea how bad I want you and your terrorist friends to implement a large attack on a free country so all the tree huggers untie the hands of our governments so we can truly eradicate vermin and cockroaches like you. You have no idea how much i HATE the taliban!!!, I have seen first hand what they do to innocent women and children but are too chicken shit to fight, except if their hiding behind civilians!!. As a matter of fact I buy my brothers and friends (that are in the Canadian forces) a beer for every Taliban they kill!!. And let me tell ya its MILLER TIME!!!, just the ppl I grew up with including my family have upwards of 74 kills :). You just wait till the terrorists finally piss off enough people so that we open up hunting season, ya see their nothing but a mouse with a thorn poking a lion, one day the lion will get pissed and stomp the mouse. I thinks its time to show the terrorists that we (the free world) have the power to exterminate them and show them what terror is really all about!!
good film better copy of this on total-bytes though.
Thanks uploader
@BobbyT911 - we the free world

The free world is a myth , we have a small gang of bankers running the west , who put their people in key positions in our countries

politics / government
media / education

Study these groups

Council on foreign relations
Fabian Society
The Bilderberg group
Royal institute for international affairs
The federal reserve ( private owned bank)
Tri-lateral commission



We dont live in free countries , we have families of bankers and elitists running our countries , they put their people in key positions.

Politics / Government
Media / Education
Military / Police

Study these groups

Council on Foreign Relations
The Bilderberg Group
The Fabian Society
Tavistock Institute
Royal Institute International Affairs
Tri-lateral Commission

They are the rulers behind the curtains , all your presidents have been Council on foreign Affairs members since 1920 ( its a offshoot of the Royal one based in England )

Just remember then when you see a new President puppet getting elected , and then rushing over to England to ask her Majesty for permission to Govern.


You don't know shit. Who asks the Queen of England for permission to govern? The answer - NOBODY! Ass wipe! Nobody does. She is a figure head constitutional monarch with no power apart from ceremonial duties. Ignorant dumbass.


Fuck you stupid cannuck bastard. You're just like the British - fucking American poodles. They attacked New York in the USA, not Canada you fucking dumbass. EAT SHIT!

If the Taliban are so piss weak home come you still havent beaten them after 9 fucking years? How come the Soviets couldn't either after occupying it for 10 years. Here's some advice for you maple leaf boy - get your facts straight before you open your mouth and let your belly rumble. EAT SHIT!
Thx for the upload! Glad you got the hang of labeling them and got your skull back! By the way please don't anyone judge people on there governments. Unfortunately everyones is corrupt! Including mine I am Canadian I'm proud of my country not my government! I say fkuc all governments!!!!!!

She is one of the richest people on Earth , she owns Australia , Britain , Canada , India , New Zealand , and all common wealth countries ( the empire ), she rules America by stealth to through foundations and corporations , like the Federal Reserve ( private bank )

But i think you are to ignorant to understand that these people think they have the divine right to rule over the planet.

@junkman the reason the taliban haven't been beaten is they hide behind civilians and Canadians aren't chicken shits who use indiscriminate IED's , but mark my words the permission to attack mosque's is coming and when we can get at them when they hide in their mosque's their fucked. We can all ready get at them in their caves. But junkman if you feel so strongly about it why don't you go to Afghanistan and fight with the Taliban, my deployment is coming up in a few weeks and I'd sure love to see you in my C7 sights :). And Junkman its you who need to get your facts straight any time the Taliban actually tries to fight an engaged fire fight the loss ratio is easily 250 Taliban to 1 Canadian. That is the honest to god or Allah in your case truth!!!

Anyone who believes that that 85 year old bag Queen Elizabeth II controls the world is a dumbass. If you were to say that a world banking conspiracy or the Jews or Skull and Bones controlled the world I might give you some creedance. Clearly you're a deluded paranoid nutbag conspiracy theorist, so I won't waste anymore time on you.


Go give it your best shot dumbass. You'll probably come back in a body bag or minus your arms and legs. I know there's a world recession on and jobs are hard to get, but what kind of a dumbass would volunteer for the army. For some reason because I don't have my tongue half way up the USAs ass youu seem to think I'm a Muslim. I'm not. What a brainwashed fuckwit you are. I thought Canadians were supposed to be better educated and more intelligent than Americans. Clearly you're the exception that proves the rule.
no subs anywhere :(
anyone know a place for eng. subs ?

Yeah, the fucktards that talk shit on here never cease to amaze me with thier crap. The Queen of England is only interested in frowning, being boring and maintaining the image of her goofy fuck-stick relatives. They're parasites. Once a real normal human being like Lady Diana married into them they couldn't handle it. the Queen of England rules the world...yak yak yak yak.

The skull n bones are a Masonic Order , and when people say - its the Jews , they are wrong its the Masonic / Zionist ones , the vast majority of orthodox Jewish people are innocent.

to all those who things one of the sides in this movie is right:
there is NO PLACE in islam to kill people. there is even denial of your religion in case you have to say that. ppl who thinks they are secretly in war by the side of islam are pure shame for us. they'r pbly either fooled or dumb enough to believe that they should go and kill ppl to make someone to do what they want.

torturing ppl and/or their childrn who staining our religion with that way is just, i can say it's even innocent.
The Empire has always been based in - London , just admit it the special ones rule you , and about 99 percent of the planet is to dumb to even figure it out lmao , its actually quite clever what they have done , the bastards that they are.


You don't deserve to eat. You should be thrown down a well and left to starve to death. Or better still beaten to death with your own shoes. The Queen did rule most of the world - a hundred and ten years ago. Queen Victoria that is. You need to take yourself to your nearest laughing house and commit yourself. You need a full frontal lobotomy. In fact just ask the doctors to remove your whole brain. You fucktard.
There are a lot of uneducated, ridiculous comments on here by people that seem to think they know everything....If you are such a smartarse, why not get into politics, run for presidency?

Oh that's right, because you are misinformed, lower class citizens that have to idea about the real world, except what you can read on the internet.
Fucking americans, the dickheads on here that comment random nonsense, are among those that allow the term 'fucking americans' to be widely accepted across the globe.
It is with great pleasure that we sit back, and watch a Country so obsessed with themselves, so blinded by self righteousness, that they cannot witness their own downfall...

God Bless america lmfao
The Queen? Skull & Bones? Masons? Fucktards?

A whole page of comments and not one word on a/ daffy bastards.

Guess i'll forage through earlier comments and try to find something useful/on topic.....
Thanks for the up!Great movie.
Very good quality.

nice thanks
@All you Americans

EAT SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You fucking stupid, ignorant, dickcheeses! You can all suck a fart outta my ass and eat the peanuts outta my shit! FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!! You fucking fucktards are all to dumb asnd two brainwashed to have a valid point of view. Why are you so fucking dumb? You fucking cocksucking shit-cunts! EAT SHIT!!!!!!!!!
@junkman I think i figured out why you hate Americans soo much. It's because your American step father wasn't satisfied with your mother's (hung like a wizard's sleeve cunt due to the fact every guy, horse and any living male had a go) so he had to come see you. So there you sit with a stretched out bleeding ass and a mouthful of cum all pissed off cuz your whore of a mother is jealous of your ass. I think you should go join the Taliban and strap a bomb to your chest with a short fuse and a long walk.
very good movie!

Zionist Nazi Israeli Rubbish

What a load of crap. Where's your evidence for that bullshit? You are a sorry peice of shit excuse for a human being. I'm not going to come back at you with a load of yo momma fucked niggers & your father raped you, or whatever like you stupid Americans do when you've lost an argument. You always resort to some speculative amateur pscho-analysis involving sexual abuse as a kid. You are all so fucking predictable.

I will say this about you and most Americans - I would like to beat you over the head with an iron bar, stab you in both eyes, cut your fingers off with an axe and then pour gasoline on you and burn you alive. I FUCKING HATE YOU MOTHERFUCKER! DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE YOU STINKING AMERICAN CUNT!
@junkman dude im not american. Im canadian!! does is shock you to know that we Canadians are sick of douchebags like you too, by the way i went with the daddy ass rape just to piss ya off and it worked, How is it possible to loose an argument when you have no idea what your talking about!!, Ive been in the shit and Ive seen how in Afghanistan they smile to your face yet try to put a knife in your back, when you actually see what the taliban does to women and innocents and u still want to kill the people sticking up for those who can't stick up for themselves I'll be sure to come to your quaint little suburban house and let you try.
Cheap movie, cheap actors, cheap scenario.
Only good for skinny witenites high on sugar who believe in terrorism and like to feel emotions in their virgin penor watching that crap.

Whether you're an American or not you're doing thier bidding. Fighting thier war for them. The Twin Towers were in the USA not Canada. You people are poodles, just like Blair and the British. Why the fuck do you fight for them? You don't mind losing your limbs to an IED for the USA? Fow what? For fucking fat, lazy, ignorant, stupid Americans who don't give a shit about Canada or about anything apart from thier own country's narrow interests. Fuck what the Talioban do to thier women. Who gives a shit? They're THIER women living in a fucking 13th century society. Fuck 'em. Canada is obviously really just America's hat after all. FOOL!
I just wanna say I think it is a gr8 movie. I'm glad to see you idiots are injecting your usual ignorant rantings that can be quite amusing.
Hey thanks man

not arguing cause i dont think anywhere is better than anywhere else and any people r better than anyone else but being that im in the army i can say the president cant just off someone and everyhting be all fine and dandy not saying that there arnt shit about the govt thats wrong but being under his command doesnt mean i gotta kill every mofo hes got a grudge with i think yall need to find sonething better to do than bicker and make accusations how about talk about the torrents like the sites about and leave world affairs to the news stations to slander
LMAO. Relax dude. You seem to be picking a fight with everyone associated with America. Watch the movie and relax.


Hey numbnuts - ever heard of punctuation? You fucking douche bag retard.
Good movie. fuck all women in de FBI. do ya job and allow me to do mine.



Thanks extremezone for always uploading good quality movies.
I understand how you guys could be jealous of a country that, for the most part, has monopolized control of the entire world. I am not a "gung-ho" american either, but i do appreciate the back-handed, under the table, willfully devious and intentionally misleading nature in which the US handles business. WE are as evil a country as there ever will be and we will continue to police the world until the end of it. just how it is folks

Who gave you the right to police the world? Nobody did. America should return to isolationism like it did before WWII. Capitalism and greed and the war industry as practiced by America is obscene.


Eat shit dumbass! I will continue to attack American yeehaa-ism everywhere I find it. When Americans stop propegating war and poverty everywhere so thay can get fat on cheap burgers I will stop. Until then - smell my shit!
Great Movie, really enjoyed it.
Would recommend, though leave you a little disturbed in the end questioning what lengths you would go to, to protect 'the masses'

Every now and then the colour goes to a sepia effect and the last 15 mins is just slightly out of sync.

Over all


Great up load - keep em' coming... free movies rule!
wat i can see it is a nother SWORDFISH movie
shitty movie fuck america.

I'm the dumbass? LMAO I'm not the one on here cryin like a little bitch about dumb shit on a fucking torrent site, get a life loser..... of wait, you obviously dont have one in ur lame ass 3rd world country, lol. Go fuck a camel reject and STFU.

Dont be a jealous little prick, it just shows your stupidity.
Great, thanks for all your uploads extremezone. You never disappoint!
i liked this movie, pretty much shows you why torture doesnt work in a not so "nice" way :D

Hey asswipe where did I say i was Muslim. No fucking where! I am not a Muslim. You don't have to be one to hate America you stupid ignorant douche bag. EAT SHIT YOU CUNT!


Eat shit numbnuts! You can suck a fart from my ass. Fuck you and your peice of shit country. American cunt.
Thanks for this, great movie.
A 10
V 9
M 10







The Most of the best specialists
in Islam and Qoran are christians and Jews.
Read Ibn Arabi or Abd el-Kader and
you'll wish Moslems were a little bit more Islamic !

>>>"Killing in the name of a religion or "God" is not acceptable and cowardly"

Well u have "no religion" and u care about a name "God" I want to say here is that:



"Thinking through Islamophobia",
I am not going to waste my time with a LOW EDUCATED zionist Racist with islamophobia, only hiding behind the pc and throwing his hate to inocent people,~trying to pretend he is American,Cower, I born in the state and I feel shame of the people like u .




I understand how you guys could be jealous of a country that, for the most part, has monopolized control of the entire world.

You actually believe that you control the whole world lmao , the R
This may sound contradictory but not all Muslim's are bad. I have been to Afghanistan and yes there are some that deserved to die but some are just poor people who have no choice but to do their "war lords" bidding. The best analogy would be say if the Hells Angels were at war with a country and that Country came to say Quebec to wage it. Not every one in Quebec would be H.A but tons would have no choice but to harbor and help the H.A. Where it gets complicated is the Taliban use the locals religion and general lack of education to brain wash them to fight. As for those who say "America" is the true terrorists really need to know what the terrorists have done and will do. They kill and torture women and children and intentionally bomb innocents. I'm not saying that any of the Countries that have soldiers in the middle east haven't killed innocents merely that it may have been unintentional. I truly believe that there is hope for the middle east. IMO the answer is education, once the majority of the people have education you aren't going to see as many people following blindly. Also with the people becoming educated the countries will develop and the underlying hatred and jealousy of the west should subside. But if it continues and the Jihadists really push it and more and more keep joining the fight it will inevitably lead to a massive World Vs the Muslims war in which millions will die and cause unimaginable suffering. I only hope that humans will eventually stop killing each other over what name they call god. I think it's time for the world to unite under one flag to work together to fix the damage were doing to the planet.

Most of us Americans are dumb enough to take anything our government and media fed us with BUT interestingly, this movie is directed toward that small percentage which still has their CONSCIOUS, who questions what they see and hear. It?s an effort to convince them that whatever our government is doing; is doing for good, maybe to make us safe!!!
The Question is? are we making friends or enemies day by day?
It?s like living in the fool?s paradise by believing that making new enemies every now and then is making us safe. In the past, it was fear of Communism that united us to take down Germany & Russia. Now it?s terrorism to bash those poor Muslims, to take their resources and strengthen our grasp on World domination.
In my opinion; all of our ?Victims?, Russia, Germany, Japan, Vietnam and so on? has not forgot what we have done to them so they are just waiting for the right time to take their revenge. Blood of Millions is on our hands; we can deny this fact but cannot escape it.

Invading and bombing other countries will never make us safe and respected around the world.

In 2009, from Drone attacks alone on Afghanistan Pakistan border, more than 900 people were killed in which only 11 people were real targets, more than 889 were innocent men, woman and children. Now how can this be fair?? How we cannot expect their relatives to take revenge for those killings by fighting against our troops and if they do, we call them terrorist, extrem